Streamview Substation
Rebuild & Expansion Project 

Streamview Substation


Our mission is to provide our 3.7 million customers with clean, safe and reliable energy. To do this, we continue to modernize and upgrade existing substations and infrastructure so our customers get the reliable energy they deserve. We started work on the Streamview Substation Rebuild and Expansion Project November 2022. Once complete, it will improve reliability and the integrity of our electric system for communities in the mid-city San Diego area. These communities have experienced sizeable growth in the past decade and are forecast to grow even more over the next ten years. Additional residents and businesses mean a greater demand on existing power lines.

Del Mar Project Safety Benefits

Project Benefits

  • Improves reliability of the electric transmission and distribution systems
  • Enhances safety by upgrading the existing 1950s aging infrastructure
  • Helps prevent unplanned outages in SDG&E’s service territory 
  • Accommodates future load growth

About the Project

The Streamview Substation is in the Chollas View/College area within San Diego. All the upgrades will take place on existing SDG&E property within existing rights of way. The project will rebuild and expand SDG&E’s existing 69/12kV Streamview Substation to better meet current engineering standards and improve reliability. The project also includes upgrades to existing overhead transmission and underground distribution lines that extend beyond the Streamview Substation site.

About the project

Project Schedule

Construction – Q4 2022 through Q4 2026

In-service date – Q4 2026

277.75 KB
Download the Streamview Substation Rebuild & Expansion Project Fact Sheet
Download the Streamview Substation Rebuild & Expansion Project Fact Sheet
What to Expect

What to Expect

Traffic delays and temporary lane closures are expected. SDG&E plans to have traffic control measures in place during construction and our crews will strive to minimize any impacts to you and your neighbors. Construction activities at this location may occur intermittently. Work hours, traffic control measures and noise restrictions for each area are established by local jurisdictions.

Project Map

Streamview Project Map


Construction Notifications and Updates

252.10 KB
2022.11.18 Streamview Substation Distribution Pre-Construction Letter
2022.11.18 Streamview Substation Distribution Pre-Construction Letter
221.94 KB
2022.7.20 Streamview Substation Demo Construction Notification Letter
2022.7.20 Streamview Substation Demo Construction Notification Letter

Frequently Asked Questions

View the project FAQs below or download the PDF here.

This project will replace aging electric service equipment and improve the safety and reliability of electric transmission and distribution systems for the Chollas View and College areas of the City of San Diego.

The project scope includes:

  • Replacing aging infrastructure installed in the 1950s
  • Upgrading overhead transmission lines & existing underground distribution lines
  • Enhancing safety upgrades to help prevent unplanned outages in SDG&E’s service territory
  • Providing additional capacity to serve existing and future electrical load growth.

As our region expands, the demand for energy also grows. Given the load growth over the past decade in the mid-city San Diego area, increased demand for energy has created congestion on the existing power lines which causes a strain on the electric system. The substation expansion will provide additional capacity and system reliability for the area.

The project is located on a triangular piece of land bounded by Lea Street to the north, 54th Street to the west and Chollas Parkway to the southeast in the City of San Diego Chollas View and College areas. This project includes construction activities at SDG&E’s existing Streamview Substation which includes newly acquired parcels that are adjacent to the existing site.

The community is made up of mixed residential and commercial districts. Some major customers in this area include San Diego State University, the City of San Diego, SD Unified School District, AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and the Salvation Army.

A laydown yard (also called a staging area) is a location typically near a construction site where tools, materials, equipment and vehicles are stored temporarily when they are not in use. The laydown yard for this project is located east of the Burlington Department Store and south of University Avenue. It is desirable for the laydown yard to be in close proximity to the active construction site to minimize impact on traffic, noise, etc. for the community. Access to and from this location will occur from Chollas Parkway.

There will be intermittent noise, however, work will be performed in compliance with the City of San Diego noise ordinance. While the ordinance allows for work to be performed from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday, most of the work will be performed approximately between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Crews will not perform work on holidays or Sundays except under extreme or emergency conditions.

Construction is expected to end Q4 2026.

Overall, the impact on surrounding traffic will be minimal. There will be times when our trucks and equipment are coming and going from the substation which may cause some traffic. In addition, there will be an occasional shoulder closure, lane closure or manned traffic control to complete portions of the work. Work that could impact traffic and the public will be performed in accordance with traffic control and other permits issued and monitored by the City of San Diego.

SDG&E’s top priority is safety. This project is no different from many other electric infrastructure upgrades and projects SDG&E® undertakes throughout the region. All infrastructure within the transmission and distribution systems is designed, constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with strict state and federal safety regulations.

SDG&E has a comprehensive and proactive safety program to ensure the integrity of the system and the protection of our communities, customers, employees and infrastructure.

You can visit our for more information or call the project information line at 1-844-765-6388.

More Information

If you have questions, please call the Project information Line at 1-844-765-6388.