We are committed to empowering your business
Your partners at SDG&E know that if we can help you grow your business, you'll be able to create more jobs in our community.
To show our support, we've developed an energy discount through our Economic Development Rate (EDR). This discount offers eligible businesses a greater opportunity to attract, retain or expand your company operations within our service territory instead of out of state.
Whether your business is outside of California and looking for a new location, or even if you're facing financial hardship, you can count on us to be here for you. That's what true business partners are for.

Did you know?
With the Economic Development Rate, eligible businesses can receive a 12% discount off of the electric portion on monthly bills for a period of 5 years.
This offering is for you if you are a:
- Non-residential, non-governmental business customer that might relocate out-of-state.
- Business that would cease operations in California without the benefit of the EDR offering.
- Business that will relocate to SDG&E’s service territory from outside of the State of California. Bundled service business customer, or a business customer-served by Direct Access or Community Choice Aggregation.**
All three customer types may qualify.

Is there a limitation?
The EDR program is available until the 40MW program cap is met:
- 10MW for businesses equal or less than 150kW
- 30MW for businesses greater than 150kW
We’re committed. How about you?
Under the EDR offer, your company agrees to:
- Create and/or retain jobs in California.
- Supply documentation of out-of-state choices or operational scenarios.***
- Sign an affidavit stating that EDR is an influencing factor in your decision to locate within the SDG&E service territory.

How to apply
- A qualified Economic Development Rate (EDR) customer must sign an EDR Agreement.
- If the customer has a demand of 150 KW or below, they must sign an Affidavit attesting that “but for” the receipt of the EDR bill discount they would not have retained load or relocated to SDG&E’s service territory from outside the State of California.
- Customers with a demand greater than 150 KW will be subject to the review and approval of the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz).
Economic Development Rate Applicants may submit the forms via email or mail.
Email: [email protected]
Attention: EDR
San Diego Gas & Electric
8335 Century Park Court, CP12E
San Diego, CA 92123
*All pricing plans (rates) are subject to the supervision and regulation of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and are subject to change by CPUC order. With the Economic Development Rate, eligible businesses can receive a 12% discount on the electric portion of their monthly bill for a period of 5 years.
**For Direct Access and Community Choice Aggregation customers, EDR discount is limited to the “Distribution” portion of the energy bill. No discount will be applied to the “Generation” portion of the energy bill.
***Additional documentation is only required for applicants with demands greater than 150kW.